Tuesday, January 20, 2009


matt and i didn't get a vacation over christmas break, so we took one this weekend. i had been joking about wanting to go to disneyland for a while, and when we realized we would both be free over mlk weekend, we knew it was a done deal.

my oma and opa [german for grandma and grandpa] live about 10 miles away from disneyland, so we stayed at their house. we also got delicious homecooked dinners instead of spending a ton of money on overpriced park food :)

the first day we dressed up. i was stared at by little girls, and one even said "IS THAT A PRINCESS?!" to her sister as i walked by. umm... if princesses wear yellow shirtwaist dresses, i guess?

i forgot my camera on the second day [we rode 13+ rides, and had a "magic morning" pass which was SO worth the money]... by the third day, we were so exhausted. we didn't ride anything except the monorail on the third day, and while we were waiting for our lunch reservations, we wandered into the ranch part of critter country. goats!!! and a big sad tired looking sheep!! and a donkey named pancho! i think i was more excited about the farm animals and the old fashioned log house than i was about some of the rides.

matt got us some amazing reservations at the blue bayou, the restaurant that you can see right at the beginning of the pirates of the caribean ride. we were super lucky to get these - someone else cancelled! very tasty food :)

this is the "matt, i want to take a picture" face. the only thing we really want to do on monday was ride the monorail, but it broke right when we got there. we waited around for about half an hour, but finally perservered to get our ride into disneyland.

disneyland was really awesome, but i am so glad to be home. sewing, knitting, baking bread, doing laundry and scrubbing floors is what i look forward to today.

i'm going to try and make matt post about what he found in a closet at oma's house. we came home with some really amazing finds (and not from disney!!) - and a lot of inspiration.

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